Problem Summary: Undeniably, Good health and quick access to a professional medic in times of illness or injury is most important to every person careless of their location in the world.
but even with the importance placed on the need of healthcare; 2011, there are still factors and reasons why some people do not get proper healthcare. Some of these factors include;
- Low economic and Financial Standards of people
- The distance at which a person must travel to have access to healthcare
- Illiteracy causing some people to not take illness serious or see it as a normal or basic kind of sickness, mapping similar symptoms to a regular illness like "Malarai and Fever"
- Unavailability of enough medical personnel/assistants to take care of the sick at a go causing traffic with medical facilities.
- The availability of less professionals is also a cause of one professional having to deal with several other patients. This means different sickness/illness may be treated as the same.
- Even with the option of phone-in medical systems, call centers are not able to attend to multiple patients at a go.
Solution Summary: The solution is to make healthcare accessible through what is already available to the people who need it.
Finding a solution to this problem is as simple as seeing through the eyes of the people we are trying to help (everyone). see through their eyes to realize some of their greatest assets. what they live with, what they have, what they share, what they own. look through their eyes and see their palms holding the solution. The greatest aim of this project is to make people "Heal themselves".
Our solution is to clone the intelligence of as many medical personnels as we can from different fields unto an Artificial Intelligent (AI) system and make it accessible to people through devices avaiable to them everyday. such devices include;
- Cell Phones (SMS, Voice, Wap Site, Mobile Site, etc)
- Computers (web and desktop applications)
- LAN Lines
- Special Devices at centers for people to go theough a session or two.
On these device will be a question and answer simulated system that will take a patient through a session just like he would have had during a regular visit to the hospital.
At the end of each session, the system should be able to determine and prescribe drugs for him/her as well as determine of he/she needs further assistance or not.
There should be no restrictions on the type or version of phone you use. it should work perfect on even the first mobile device that was ever built to mankind.
This project is currently being worked on by The Brave Faith Foundation, Search Engine Incorporated, Qremia Evolution and some other developers and logical thinkers.
Real world example huh? hmmmm well lets do this together;
lets consider the war stricken countries. if there was a system like this, all their government and any other person trying to help has to do is provide a few computers right?
lets consider our everyday lives, using my team as an example. we work so much we forget to eat. so if we had this system, we could spare a few minutes to run a check up adn make sure we are in good shape right? Yea right! I answered that for us.
oh and consider the villages and even towns people, the guys who work double jobs in a day and the ones who have no breaks from work; if they had a system like this, they won't need to loose money froma sick leave.
lets most importantly consider a quick first aid, if people got sick and could have access to a free medic on their cell phones or computers at no cost, it wouldnt hurt them to take a quick test and make sure if its malaria or a fever or needed a real medical support.
The examples live with us everyday take a little time to consider you having a personal doctor who is there more than your Personal Assisant is.
Well, now people don't need to que up for medic, or wait for a sickness to grow huge. people have an easier and more personalised method for getting healthcare.
The need for building physical structures or getting personnel to go around treating people is reduced with the provision of more personalised medical care on your personal devices.
The constraints here are;
- being able to make the system ask the right questions and enough questions in a professional yet efficient way to make the patient give enough information and to give the right diagnoses or results. its human life we are dealing with here. gone are the days when scientist gave you a bomb and stood back to see if it actually blows and how many microseconds it takes for you to realise it was blowing. the new era demands things being done with a bit more of accuracy.
- The system needs to be a ble to build a medical history and tally with existing ones and make it a universal language for any medical personnel to be able to work with and interpret.
- The cloned medical personnel should have the possibiity of being upgraded on teh go without any limitations or breaks or it affecting any precious diagnoses or etc.
- the system must run fast enough and be in a form that any person is able to understand and use no matter what their educational standards are.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Google Code Jam 2011 [1]
By Bartholomew Furrow, Software Engineer
In Mountain View and in offices around the world, Googlers are spending their 20% time to get ready for Google Code Jam 2011, preparing algorithmic problems for the 10,000 or more contestants who we expect to compete in our Qualification Round this Friday.
A good Code Jam problem has a story to ground it in some version of reality: soccer, ninja and messages from alien cultures have all served admirably. Cushioned by the story, the core of a Code Jam problem is an algorithmic puzzle whose solution needs anything from a few lines of code to a deep understanding of flow algorithms or number theory.
Anyone at Google can create Code Jam problems, which means that our methods for inventing them vary wildly. One author might come across a real-life situation, think about what algorithm would solve it, and base a problem on that; another author might think about how to make a problem out of a video game. Sometimes a problem author will start with an algorithm and concoct a problem that it solves. We also really seem to like inventing weird situations on chess boards.
With the story and the problem chosen, our work is only partly done. The problem has to be stated in such a way that it will be clear, even for an audience from 125 countries. At least three engineers work on each problem’s statement: that group includes at least one native English speaker to make sure the grammar is all correct, and at least one non-native English speaker to make sure the language is clear enough.
The toughest part about setting up a problem like this is verifying that contestants got it right. In Code Jam, we do that by providing contestants with an input file full of test data. They send back their program’s output, which should be the answer to the input file’s question. The hard part is deciding what goes in that input file: we need edge cases, plenty of average cases, and a good number of cases that make sure the contestant’s code is fast enough. To create all of those, we generate some cases by hand and others pseudo-randomly. We’ve been known to generate a test case or two out of ASCII art, or as a creative-writing exercise.
Finally, we solve the problems ourselves. We require at least three solutions made by different engineers, and sometimes we have those engineers write solutions that we know to be wrong – just to make sure our test data catches them out.
The end result of this process is the kind of problem we’re proud to ask our contestants to solve. In 2011 more than any other year, we’re excited about the creativity of our colleagues and the problems we’re planning to pose. We hope you’ll enjoy the problems from the other side – and if you’re a great software engineer, maybe come help us write them in 2012.
You can register for Google Code Jam 2011 at, and you’ll see the first problems of the year in the Qualification Round this Friday, May 6, starting at 23:00 UTC. For even more details about how we get problems ready for Code Jam, you can read our official problem-preparation guide.
Bartholomew Furrow spends 80% of his time at Google finding ways to eliminate bad search ads, and the rest on Code Jam. Programming contests introduced him to Computer Science, to Google, and to his wife.
Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
Google Blog
In Mountain View and in offices around the world, Googlers are spending their 20% time to get ready for Google Code Jam 2011, preparing algorithmic problems for the 10,000 or more contestants who we expect to compete in our Qualification Round this Friday.
A good Code Jam problem has a story to ground it in some version of reality: soccer, ninja and messages from alien cultures have all served admirably. Cushioned by the story, the core of a Code Jam problem is an algorithmic puzzle whose solution needs anything from a few lines of code to a deep understanding of flow algorithms or number theory.
Anyone at Google can create Code Jam problems, which means that our methods for inventing them vary wildly. One author might come across a real-life situation, think about what algorithm would solve it, and base a problem on that; another author might think about how to make a problem out of a video game. Sometimes a problem author will start with an algorithm and concoct a problem that it solves. We also really seem to like inventing weird situations on chess boards.
With the story and the problem chosen, our work is only partly done. The problem has to be stated in such a way that it will be clear, even for an audience from 125 countries. At least three engineers work on each problem’s statement: that group includes at least one native English speaker to make sure the grammar is all correct, and at least one non-native English speaker to make sure the language is clear enough.
The toughest part about setting up a problem like this is verifying that contestants got it right. In Code Jam, we do that by providing contestants with an input file full of test data. They send back their program’s output, which should be the answer to the input file’s question. The hard part is deciding what goes in that input file: we need edge cases, plenty of average cases, and a good number of cases that make sure the contestant’s code is fast enough. To create all of those, we generate some cases by hand and others pseudo-randomly. We’ve been known to generate a test case or two out of ASCII art, or as a creative-writing exercise.
Finally, we solve the problems ourselves. We require at least three solutions made by different engineers, and sometimes we have those engineers write solutions that we know to be wrong – just to make sure our test data catches them out.
The end result of this process is the kind of problem we’re proud to ask our contestants to solve. In 2011 more than any other year, we’re excited about the creativity of our colleagues and the problems we’re planning to pose. We hope you’ll enjoy the problems from the other side – and if you’re a great software engineer, maybe come help us write them in 2012.
You can register for Google Code Jam 2011 at, and you’ll see the first problems of the year in the Qualification Round this Friday, May 6, starting at 23:00 UTC. For even more details about how we get problems ready for Code Jam, you can read our official problem-preparation guide.
Bartholomew Furrow spends 80% of his time at Google finding ways to eliminate bad search ads, and the rest on Code Jam. Programming contests introduced him to Computer Science, to Google, and to his wife.
Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
Google Blog
Friday, March 25, 2011
Mark Zuckerberg - A Rebirth Of Bill Gates
As published in The C'Krit (
Ask anyone who knows Bill Gates of Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook averagely for a quick comment and they will confirm about how they are both into software development and being able to build the next big things. Obviously there are similarities between these two people some of which can stir up a though or two on how such similarities are possible.
After a complete review of this article you should realize why Mark Zuckerberg is considered a rebirth of Bill Gates.
First a brief history of the two;
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg A.K.A Mark Zuckerberg was born to Karen, a psychiatrist, and Edward, a dentist, an upper middle class family in White Plains, New York on May 14, 1984. Mark being the only male born in the family has three sisters, Randi, Donna, and Arielle. They were all brought up in Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Mark was raised Jewish, including having his bar mitzvah (an initiation ceremony marking the 13th birthday of a Jewish boy and 12 for girls and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility, with the belief that at such an age they become more responsible for their actions. A bar mitzvah is an important social event to the Jews") when he turned 13, although he has since described himself as an atheist (someone who denies the existence of God). [Get a complete history here:]
William Henry "Bill" Gates III A.K.A Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, to William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates, of English, German, and Scotch-Irish descent on October 28, 1955. His family was upper middle class; his father was a prominent lawyer, his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Bill, also being the only male in his family has one elder sister, Kristi (Kristianne), and one younger sister, Libby. He was the fourth of his name in his family, but was known as William Gates III or "Trey" because his father had dropped his own "III" suffix. Early on in his life, Gates' parents had a law career in mind for him. When Gates was young, his family regularly attended a Congregational church. [Get a complete history here:]
Ok, History class is over, now a comparison of the two;
First common thing between Gates and Mark Zuckerberg is, both are very good software programmers. Gates built DOS &Windows and Zuckerberg is building one.
Second most interesting common similarities between them is, both of them have stolen ideas for software applications from others. Though the two may deny so much of these facts, it is evident that all of those lawsuits slapped on them were not claims from “disgruntled Employees”, and in the end paid huge sums of money to end their lawsuits.
Third common thing is Gates and Zuckerberg, both dropped out from Harvard University to establish their own businesses and the returned studying ver hard to catch up with their classmates.
Fourth interesting similarities between them is, both of them get ideas and drive by the opposite sex. As proven in “The Social Network” a movie released on October 1 2010, Zuckerberg created the initial Facebook application to get the “attention” of a woman though he denied this accusation during an October 21 2010 interview with Gates on the other hand developed himself a MAC application to hook up with a woman and at high school created a program to schedule students in classes. He then modified the code so that he was placed in classes with mostly female students.
Fifth most interesting similarities between them are both of them had scored an almost perfect score on the SAT.
Sixth most visible similarities between Zuckerberg and Gates are that they are considered as opportunists, thieves, devious and egoists, etc. and are constantly accused to have used some unethical tactics against their counterparts. Most software developers testify strongly to some of these and there is less anyone can comment as they are all from the same world.
Seventh similarity, Zuckerberg and Gates both founded their individual companies at age 20, 2004 and 1975 respectively and are both billionaires.
Eighth similarity, this seems to be a common fact yet has the need to be mentioned; both are not “really handsome” as defined by the masses and are Nerds. They are both intelligent enough and finished school with honors and both wrote their first Computer Programs while in High School.
Ninth similarity is that Zuckerberg and Gates have been facing copyright issues and legal disputes
Tenth similarity, the applications or software they built somehow has changed the IT world and given people an easy way to interact with Gates setting the basis of an operating system for Zuckerberg to build a Social Network.
Eleventh similarity, These individuals are of the type “love ‘em or hate ‘em”. And both were very lucky at their business. A certain number of circumstances played to their favor.
Twelfth similarity, they both come from upper-middle class families.
Thirteenth interesting link between the two, Microsoft (Gates) invested $240 million in Facebook, making Zuckerberg and Gates business partners.
Reading the History of these two people may give you some chills because they seem to have done a lot of things together at different times of their lives yet a relational link builds up between them. A logical conclusion that most people may draw from this is that; Gates initialized the platform that paved the way for Zuckerberg to build a simple application that Communicates to the world through any barrier.
Both Gates and Zuckerberg have developed a platform of soft service that the entire world is if not already attached then getting attached strongly to, careless of the origins and friendly status of people. Now all anyone needs is a computer and facebook to communicate with the entire world.
A realization and lead into one of Gates aims; Moving the world into a virtual system where an operating system is run from a server seated lengths away from its users. The question then is who is Zuckerberg going to rebirth to complete another stage into “the movement of the world onto a single network”?
As published in The C'Krit (
Ask anyone who knows Bill Gates of Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook averagely for a quick comment and they will confirm about how they are both into software development and being able to build the next big things. Obviously there are similarities between these two people some of which can stir up a though or two on how such similarities are possible.
After a complete review of this article you should realize why Mark Zuckerberg is considered a rebirth of Bill Gates.
First a brief history of the two;
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg A.K.A Mark Zuckerberg was born to Karen, a psychiatrist, and Edward, a dentist, an upper middle class family in White Plains, New York on May 14, 1984. Mark being the only male born in the family has three sisters, Randi, Donna, and Arielle. They were all brought up in Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Mark was raised Jewish, including having his bar mitzvah (an initiation ceremony marking the 13th birthday of a Jewish boy and 12 for girls and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility, with the belief that at such an age they become more responsible for their actions. A bar mitzvah is an important social event to the Jews") when he turned 13, although he has since described himself as an atheist (someone who denies the existence of God). [Get a complete history here:]
William Henry "Bill" Gates III A.K.A Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, to William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates, of English, German, and Scotch-Irish descent on October 28, 1955. His family was upper middle class; his father was a prominent lawyer, his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Bill, also being the only male in his family has one elder sister, Kristi (Kristianne), and one younger sister, Libby. He was the fourth of his name in his family, but was known as William Gates III or "Trey" because his father had dropped his own "III" suffix. Early on in his life, Gates' parents had a law career in mind for him. When Gates was young, his family regularly attended a Congregational church. [Get a complete history here:]
Ok, History class is over, now a comparison of the two;
First common thing between Gates and Mark Zuckerberg is, both are very good software programmers. Gates built DOS &Windows and Zuckerberg is building one.
Second most interesting common similarities between them is, both of them have stolen ideas for software applications from others. Though the two may deny so much of these facts, it is evident that all of those lawsuits slapped on them were not claims from “disgruntled Employees”, and in the end paid huge sums of money to end their lawsuits.
Third common thing is Gates and Zuckerberg, both dropped out from Harvard University to establish their own businesses and the returned studying ver hard to catch up with their classmates.
Fourth interesting similarities between them is, both of them get ideas and drive by the opposite sex. As proven in “The Social Network” a movie released on October 1 2010, Zuckerberg created the initial Facebook application to get the “attention” of a woman though he denied this accusation during an October 21 2010 interview with Gates on the other hand developed himself a MAC application to hook up with a woman and at high school created a program to schedule students in classes. He then modified the code so that he was placed in classes with mostly female students.
Fifth most interesting similarities between them are both of them had scored an almost perfect score on the SAT.
Sixth most visible similarities between Zuckerberg and Gates are that they are considered as opportunists, thieves, devious and egoists, etc. and are constantly accused to have used some unethical tactics against their counterparts. Most software developers testify strongly to some of these and there is less anyone can comment as they are all from the same world.
Seventh similarity, Zuckerberg and Gates both founded their individual companies at age 20, 2004 and 1975 respectively and are both billionaires.
Eighth similarity, this seems to be a common fact yet has the need to be mentioned; both are not “really handsome” as defined by the masses and are Nerds. They are both intelligent enough and finished school with honors and both wrote their first Computer Programs while in High School.
Ninth similarity is that Zuckerberg and Gates have been facing copyright issues and legal disputes
Tenth similarity, the applications or software they built somehow has changed the IT world and given people an easy way to interact with Gates setting the basis of an operating system for Zuckerberg to build a Social Network.
Eleventh similarity, These individuals are of the type “love ‘em or hate ‘em”. And both were very lucky at their business. A certain number of circumstances played to their favor.
Twelfth similarity, they both come from upper-middle class families.
Thirteenth interesting link between the two, Microsoft (Gates) invested $240 million in Facebook, making Zuckerberg and Gates business partners.
Reading the History of these two people may give you some chills because they seem to have done a lot of things together at different times of their lives yet a relational link builds up between them. A logical conclusion that most people may draw from this is that; Gates initialized the platform that paved the way for Zuckerberg to build a simple application that Communicates to the world through any barrier.
Both Gates and Zuckerberg have developed a platform of soft service that the entire world is if not already attached then getting attached strongly to, careless of the origins and friendly status of people. Now all anyone needs is a computer and facebook to communicate with the entire world.
A realization and lead into one of Gates aims; Moving the world into a virtual system where an operating system is run from a server seated lengths away from its users. The question then is who is Zuckerberg going to rebirth to complete another stage into “the movement of the world onto a single network”?
As published in The C'Krit (
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