Problem Summary: Undeniably, Good health and quick access to a professional medic in times of illness or injury is most important to every person careless of their location in the world.
but even with the importance placed on the need of healthcare; 2011, there are still factors and reasons why some people do not get proper healthcare. Some of these factors include;
- Low economic and Financial Standards of people
- The distance at which a person must travel to have access to healthcare
- Illiteracy causing some people to not take illness serious or see it as a normal or basic kind of sickness, mapping similar symptoms to a regular illness like "Malarai and Fever"
- Unavailability of enough medical personnel/assistants to take care of the sick at a go causing traffic with medical facilities.
- The availability of less professionals is also a cause of one professional having to deal with several other patients. This means different sickness/illness may be treated as the same.
- Even with the option of phone-in medical systems, call centers are not able to attend to multiple patients at a go.
Solution Summary: The solution is to make healthcare accessible through what is already available to the people who need it.
Finding a solution to this problem is as simple as seeing through the eyes of the people we are trying to help (everyone). see through their eyes to realize some of their greatest assets. what they live with, what they have, what they share, what they own. look through their eyes and see their palms holding the solution. The greatest aim of this project is to make people "Heal themselves".
Our solution is to clone the intelligence of as many medical personnels as we can from different fields unto an Artificial Intelligent (AI) system and make it accessible to people through devices avaiable to them everyday. such devices include;
- Cell Phones (SMS, Voice, Wap Site, Mobile Site, etc)
- Computers (web and desktop applications)
- LAN Lines
- Special Devices at centers for people to go theough a session or two.
On these device will be a question and answer simulated system that will take a patient through a session just like he would have had during a regular visit to the hospital.
At the end of each session, the system should be able to determine and prescribe drugs for him/her as well as determine of he/she needs further assistance or not.
There should be no restrictions on the type or version of phone you use. it should work perfect on even the first mobile device that was ever built to mankind.
This project is currently being worked on by The Brave Faith Foundation, Search Engine Incorporated, Qremia Evolution and some other developers and logical thinkers.
Real world example huh? hmmmm well lets do this together;
lets consider the war stricken countries. if there was a system like this, all their government and any other person trying to help has to do is provide a few computers right?
lets consider our everyday lives, using my team as an example. we work so much we forget to eat. so if we had this system, we could spare a few minutes to run a check up adn make sure we are in good shape right? Yea right! I answered that for us.
oh and consider the villages and even towns people, the guys who work double jobs in a day and the ones who have no breaks from work; if they had a system like this, they won't need to loose money froma sick leave.
lets most importantly consider a quick first aid, if people got sick and could have access to a free medic on their cell phones or computers at no cost, it wouldnt hurt them to take a quick test and make sure if its malaria or a fever or needed a real medical support.
The examples live with us everyday take a little time to consider you having a personal doctor who is there more than your Personal Assisant is.
Well, now people don't need to que up for medic, or wait for a sickness to grow huge. people have an easier and more personalised method for getting healthcare.
The need for building physical structures or getting personnel to go around treating people is reduced with the provision of more personalised medical care on your personal devices.
The constraints here are;
- being able to make the system ask the right questions and enough questions in a professional yet efficient way to make the patient give enough information and to give the right diagnoses or results. its human life we are dealing with here. gone are the days when scientist gave you a bomb and stood back to see if it actually blows and how many microseconds it takes for you to realise it was blowing. the new era demands things being done with a bit more of accuracy.
- The system needs to be a ble to build a medical history and tally with existing ones and make it a universal language for any medical personnel to be able to work with and interpret.
- The cloned medical personnel should have the possibiity of being upgraded on teh go without any limitations or breaks or it affecting any precious diagnoses or etc.
- the system must run fast enough and be in a form that any person is able to understand and use no matter what their educational standards are.